Solidarity Works at El Dorado Irrigation
This posting is in response to a comment left by “Anonymous” on 7/20 @ 10:37 am
To those being derogatory about the association and others expressing their concerns. This blame game banter only downgrades our blog's credibility, especially to those looking from the outside, like the Grand Jury.
Don't take the bait and fall into management's trap because this is exactly what they want and it's the type of confusion Ane and her management 'team' thrive on.
We need to stay focused and on point. Just state facts as we've experienced or have seen others experience. Try not to get caught up in emotion. Simply disregard and 'weed' out suspect comments, as Setoda has been heard to say, "Employees are like weeds..."
Remember that "SOLIDARITY WORKS" when everyone sticks together and works as "ONE TEAM" opposing another. Just as Ane and her team of expert manipulators are doing.
I have to take a moment to apologize for my last posting and to thank you for reminding me as to why I originally started this blog. To the best of my ability I try to keep my emotions out of my postings, but sometimes it doesn’t work.
I was looking forward to the BBQ, but when I found out that the same management staff that I have watched day-in and day-out demoralize and personally attacked good and hard working employees was invited to this BBQ I became very annoyed. For the most part I believe in our Association and the work they do. Without them many employees would be in a far worse situation than what they are in right now.
So, once again, thank you for reminding me of what is important and for getting me back on track.