I’m a bit confused
I’m a bit confused and need some clarification. One of the “Anonymous” comments stated that prior to the current management EID never recognized its employees for their hard work. Anonymous also posted a link to the website showing the 40 employee that recently received special reorganization. My confusion comes from the fact that I was told that one of the managers pictured is the same manager who just recently put a whole department on administrative leave costing the rate payers of EID thousands of dollars? If needlessly spending rate payer money qualifies you for special reorganization than our General Manger should get top awards for her hiring of Mike Dugan and Mark Korkowski.
Don’t get me wrong, many of those employees who are pictured are hard working and dedicated employees and truly deserve to be applauded for their achievements. But to be recognized along with someone who sounds like they’ve spent rate payers money so recklessly is a bit of an insult to the other people pictured.
Side note: Just so the record is clear. I did not enlist anyone’s help from within EID to acquire the addresses used to send out postcards. I would not put another employee in jeopardy for the sake of promoting this blog.
I have worked here for almost 18 years and I have never seen moral so low. I see employees being sideswiped by a manager in the name of reorg but anyone can see its retalation to voicing a complaint. An entire department is put on leave--why? Is that problem buried like so many others? Why cant management see our problems and care enough to call a meeting or put out a way to look at sugestions and try and fix it? What wors for them is not working for so many others--do they care?
Moral is so low here that even people who supposedly "support" the management are afraid to use their own names. If management is so supportive of good employees, why not openly support management, or are you as afraid for your job as the rest of us for speaking our minds? As for the department put on leave, was there any major problems discovered? It is hard for me to believe that an entire department would qualify for paid leave unless there was absolute proof of some conspiracy or something of similar magnitude. One more question, does anyone have any idea how much it cost to put this department on leave and investigate? $100,000, $200,000, $500,000? The next time the district tells me they need a rate increase I will want to know if they are going to waste my money this way in the future.
Look at this new Help Desk company--if you have trouble with your PC watch out! I wonder how much were paying them to be worthless. They downsize the Help Desk in some kind of reorg but now its one guy running around doing it all. I heard rumor they broke them up because they complained about something--so to teach them a lesson the District pays some outside company thousands. Who is paying for this lesson; everyone.
Dear EID Board of Directors-
Today I witnessed something that was very disturbing. I witnessed Ane approach Janet Pollards office bang on the door and then start to yell at her. I honestly could not believe what was going on, to have the General Manager of the District in front of everyone tear into someone like that is unacceptable, there is no excuse for this behavior, NONE! I know that this is not the first time this has happened, she has on multiple occasions gone off on various people, and it needs to stop. Maybe at one time Ane was good for EID, but that time has long passed. I am sick to death to come into work and hear all of the various discipline actions that happen, what happened to people being educated and talked to if they happen to mess up? You do something around there that you have done for years and all of a sudden that is wrong, but instead of having a decent sit down with your manager you are handed a 3-day suspension without pay. You are then shamed in front of everyone for doing your job, all because things have changed???? I am also tired of the way the District wastes money, I am a ratepayer and have to say that the unlimited expense account that Ane has is crazy. I am sure you would be shocked at the several projects that have been started, items purchased and then abandoned. One would be the $100,000+ SCADA servers that were purchased over 2 years (almost 3 years) ago that are just sitting doing nothing. One that is located up at Res A, in the lower level of the building that floods, no regard for protecting assets.
I guess that Ane feels that is the way you treat people who work very hard for you, after all she came to Karen Theriaults defense after she created such a miserable environment for her employees, if she didn’t violate any of the Districts Policies then I am Santa Clause, Karen handed out Vicodin like they were Tic Tacs to employees, trapped a few in the elevator and intimidated them to lie to their Department Head about a purchase that he had denied earlier that she was “overriding” because she was in purchasing and she knew how to bypass his approval. That is just to name a few. After witnessing today’s outburst I would think that Ane would at the very least be put off for her 3 days without pay, if it were up to me and the environment she has created she would be fired.
I am hoping that you will take this information and maybe investigate some of the allegations, perhaps you can sit down with the Association Board to get their input.
Thank you,
Concerned Employee
In continuoum of Waterwoes observation about Deisters outbursts, I too have witnessed her threatening and intimidating behavior. At one meeting she threatened people that they could make a choice at the district, they could either "join the team and be a team player, or she would be glad to free up their time to find another job"
this kind of statement and sentiment goes directly against her public staements made during a drug training meeting where she proclaimed she and the district believed in rehabilitaion, not prosecution. If only she really meant those words there would not be so much disciplinary action going on, suspensions, admin leaves, and forced leaves such as Mrs Pebleys and reportedly Dave Powells. Why do good employees who are brave enough to speak out get fired or punished, yet her FELON CONVICT friends get bought out of their contracts? Talk about being dysfunctional. If this were a private company and management actually had to account for the waste of money, it would either go bankrupt or out of business, and management would probably be sued by the shareholders for their incompetence. Good thing the shareholders ( ratepayers) of this company are kept in the dark and do not know how much money is being wasted.
I think until the Board figures out that there is gross misspending going on nothing will be done. I heard today that the District is going to Verizon because the salesperson is Ane's friend. Let the District spend hundreds more dollars on unnecessary gadgets, what was wrong with the email devices they have now? Nothing, this is something new, Ane wants it, Ane gets it, oh and by the way, Ane's friend gets a big FAT commission. Just what I want my hard earned money going to, and they are going to raise rates again, maybe if they curbed the spending of their management team they wouldn't have to do that. I also noticed that we obviously don't buy our cars locally any more, what is up with that? I guess someone doesn't care to keep their business local anymore. Pretty sad!
I'm totally amazed after reading some of the comments on this page. How in the hell does the Board continue to let this lady run amuck??? I also think the Grand Jury should hear of some of the dealings she has going on. Does anyone have a contact?
I love El Dorado County. I hope to spend the rest of my life here. I have spent years of my life studying, taking exams, working weired shifts, sacrificing a "normal life", for the opportunity to work and live in Gods country. Only to have a few insecure, dishonest, unrealistic, power trippers try to make, my wonderful life in Gods country, a living hell.
Shame on you! Remember we are all human.
“Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.” Anthony Robbins
GRand Jury? That's a great idea. Has anybody heard the term "In the publics best interest?" How in the world can it be in the ratepayers best interest to spend who knows how much money on personal agendas? Some of the POs I have seen are outright illegal. Splitting POs to award a company business while hiding it from the Board of Directors is not only wrong and immoral, it is illegal. We need to copy any of these actions we see going on and present them to the Grand Jury for them to decide if it is illegal or not.
You know after being with the district for many years who was responsible for achieving record revenues for 2003-2005 for project 184? How was morale while team was being built? Why was he promoted up and out? To my understanding he disclosed his past to the HR dept but the GM and Cumpston decided this would be a better way to deal with him. Was there any policies on credit card use during this time? Or were there policeis developed just recently? How can the finance dept explain its award winning department if they did not even know how many credit cards were issued such as home depot? I dont know about you all but I liked it when we had an operations guy that tried to build a team here amongst us. It seems that this tunnel is going to cost millions to be heard, why not stop building more space for management and trim some fat to pay these debts? How can the board continue to spend or litigate against past employees when they and the G.M caused all these issues. Many managers that we all work with are here for retirements not to keep busy. Just look at the FM department and GM offices. Many of use believe that the GM office and writer Tom Cumpston would rather shift the focus of how EID is doing to us working folks. This shifts the attention to us. This is bad policy and policies should be taught within this organization and not assumed that everyone knows them. Why was Dave Powell let go? He was the only man in this district that knew the nuts and bolts of EID, and how can we all standby as Steve Setoodeh blames others for his actions or lack of?
If we dont speakup we will be losing our staff to cover these costs, and the rate payers will not standby and watch us be consumed by litigation costs.
so why does Ane have all her department heads sign secrecy documents? In order not to share the details of her master plan with all of us!
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