Sunday, May 13, 2007

Pass It On

I thought I would start this week’s posting with a quote:

We don't accomplish anything in this world alone ... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something. Sandra Day O’Connor

As I talk with coworkers I continue to get the comment that people are afraid to post to this blog. I completely understand this fear. Each day at work I wonder if this will be the day that Ane and her “friends” will figure out who I am. But then I stop and think about the fact that this blog is not all about me. (I have to admit that sending a bit of fear into those abusing their power has given me pleasure.) This blog is about trying to stop the wave of fear and immoral acts going on at EID.

Although you might be feeling helpless I am here to give you a way to take back some of the power we have lost over the last few years. This is my challenge for you today, if you are afraid to post to this blog then do the next best thing. Start sending this blog address to your friends, neighbors, county officials, other water agencies, vendors and state agencies. Start letting people know that what we have to tolerate daily just to work for EID is no longer going to be accepted.

Despite what Ane may think she does not control this county and she does not control our Board of Directors. The board is an elected body of people chosen to represent the needs and concerns of this community. And if the current board can continue to ignore the very employees that work at EID, then it is time for them to go. The EID Association supported and helped Mr. Fraser and Mr. Wheeldon back in 2001 when they were first appointed. If we can help get two board members elected than we can also help get them removed in this year’s election. But this can only happen with YOUR help. Start “Speaking Out”! Upper management has ignored us; the board has ignored us, now it is time for OUR community to realize exactly what they have been paying for.


Anonymous said...

I have the paperwork to file with the Grand Jury--I am going to get them something. What they do is up to them. Hello Tom Attornery Man--we know you see us!

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight. The only problem with the EDHWWTP is Steve Setoodeh and Vicki Caulfield. They both have taken a 5x award winning plant and destroyed it. I agree that the association has done a wonderful job in the past and if they agree it is time to step it up and get a union in here. I would be happy to be the contact person for anyone wishing to take a look at getting a union to represent us. I can be contact at

Tina Pearson
Wastewater Operator
Dirty-dozen member

Anonymous said...

Don't you think you ought to maybe contact the Association Board to see if they have already done research? I have been told that Joe has some info on one and can offer some information it, maybe we should address this at the next meeting to see what they say, instead of bypassing them all together?????

Anonymous said...

The elections are in November. When is the last day a ratepayer can apply to run for one of the three open seats? We should be concentrating on getting someone who has ratepayer intrest and not selfish gain in their heart. Thkngs have to change!!!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the person who set this blog site up! It should have been done ages ago but employees are/were afraid of loosing their jobs! Ane needs to quit intiminating employees and let them do their jobs. Ane needs to get a clue that people do have their own opinions. Just because they don't agree with Ane's ways do not mean they are bad employees!
It seems that if you disagree with Ane's ways, you are either fired or put on admin leave while she thinks of ways to terminate you!
Employees: If you all take a stand, you will be listened to! I have forwarded this blog site to our local and state legislators.

Anonymous said...

Ane...since we all know you read this blog you ever not sleep at night knowing how many people's lives you have disrupted? And for what reason? Because they wouldn't be your little puppet?

Anonymous said...

Looking at the organization it seems apparent Ms. Diester feels she truly owns the county, state and feds. As far as puppets, what's up with Liz M. being hired thru a grant which expired in January but seems to be hired on full time, quite some time ago, at a high mgmt salary? I believe the position wasn't even advertised. Looking at her is like seeing Ms. Diester in the mirror. Guess that's the training field for the next GM for EID.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that would be an whole new nightmare. Liz M thinks that same way the current GM does, EID is her own personal deep pocket and she doesn't have to account for her spending.

Anonymous said...

Was it not Liz Mansfield husband that builtAne's new glass porch addition? Hum, is there a connection?

Anonymous said...

Tom the writer and composer and counsel to the board do you sleep well at night knowing that you and Ane are destroying EID